Slaapproblemen bij mensen met een verstandelijke beperking
People with intellectual disabilites (ID) often have sleep problems, for example: difficulty getting to sleep at bedtime, difficulty staying asleep at night, early morning waking (5 AM), co-sleeping with parents, excessive daytime sleepiness. Sleep problems in ID can be caused by (a combination of) various factors, for example: excessive or late napping during the day or overexcitement near bedtime, parenting practices which – unintentionally- encourage disturbing behaviour at bedtime or night waking, medical conditions, such as seizure disorders, problems with production of melatonin, or side effects of medication.
Research on sleep disturbances in individuals with ID is done at the expertisecentre, which is closely connected to two sleep clinics specialized in diagnosis and treatment of sleep problems in persons with ID.
This expertise centre is an initiative of the Gouverneur Kremers Centre (Maastricht University) in collaboration with the department of Special Education (Radboud University Nijmegen), the department of Neurology (Gelderse Vallei Hospital), the Koraal Groep and ‘s Heeren Loo Zuid-Veluwe. Research is focused on sleep problems in individuals with intellectual disabilities (ID) and individuals with syndromes associated with ID (for example Angelman syndrome, Cri du Chat syndrome, Jacobsen syndrome, Prader-Willi syndrome and Smith Magenis syndrome). Research topics are, amongst others, prevalence of sleep problems in specific syndromes, behavioral treatment of sleep problems and melatonin treatment of circadian rhythm disorders. Also clinical data of the sleep clinics for individuals with intellectual disability are evaluated. Methods of research include materials such as (sleep) questionnaires, sleep diaries, actigraphy, ambulatory polysomnography, measurement of melatonin levels in saliva and designs such as double-blind placebo controlled trials and single case studies.
On the initiative of the Gouverneur Kremers Centre (Maastricht University) two outpatient sleep clinics are functioning at this moment. One is located at the Koraal Groep and the other at ‘s Heeren Loo Zuid-Veluwe (Wekerom). Each clinic is specialized in diagnosis and treatment of sleep problems in children and adults with intellectual disability. Treatment is based on results obtained from sleep questionnaires, sleep diaries, measurement of melatonin levels in saliva and if considered necessary ambulatory polysomnography and actigraphy. Treatment is multidisciplinary: medical treatment (for example melatonin treatment for circadian rhythm disorders) and/or behavioral treatment (for example gradual distancing for co-sleeping). Treatment is performed in the patient’s home setting, if possible. All clinical data are stored in the database of the Gouverneur Kremers Centre which guarantees scientific evaluation.
For more information: (button: Verstandelijk Gebeperkingten) or call: (0318) 59 35 65 (Monday, Wednesday or Thursday between 8:00 and 12:00)
W. Braam (physician for individuals with intellectual diabilities)
dr. P. Collin, M.D. (child and adolescent psychiatrist)
dr. R. Didden (health care psychologist)
dr. A.P.H.M. Maas M.A. (orthopediagoge/behaviour specialist)
dr. M.G. Smits (neurologist/sleep specialist)
prof. dr. L.M.G. Curfs (professor of learning disabilities)
Contactpersoon:W. Braam
Spruyt K, Braam W, Smits M, Curfs LMG (2016). Sleep complaints and the 24-h melatonin level in individuals with Smth-Magenis syndrome: Assessment for effective intervention. CNS Neuroscience and Therapeutics, 22(11): 928-935.
Bruni O, Alonso-Alconada D, Besag F, Biran V, Braam W, Cortese S, Moavero R, Parisi P, Smits M, van der Heijden K, Curatolo P (2015). Current role of melatonin in pediatric neurology: Clinical recommendations. Eur J Paediatr Neurol, 19(2): 122-33.
Bruni O, Alonso-Alconada D, Besag F, Biran V, Braam W, Cortese S, Moavero R, Parisi P, Smits M, van der heijden K, Curatolo P (2015). Paediatric use of melatonin (author reply to D.J. Kennaway). European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 19, 491-493.
Spruyt K, Curfs LMG (2015).Non-pharmacological management of problematic sleeping in children with developmental disabilities. Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 57(2):120-136.
Spruyt K, Braam W, Smits MG & Curfs LMG (2014). Twenty-four hour response curve of melatonin in Smith-Magenis syndrome. Rett syndrome and older age. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27(4), 318.
Spruyt K, Braam W, Smits MG & Curfs LMG (2014). Caregiver reported sleep onset latency, night-waking and early waking in Smith-Magenis Syndrome. Rett syndrome and older age. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 27(4), 318.
Didden R, Braam W, Maas A, Smits M, Sturmey P, Sigafoos J & Curfs LMG (2014). Sleep problems. In: Sturmey P & Didden R (eds.). Evidence-based practice and intellectual disabilities (219-234). Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Spruyt K, Anguh I, Nwabara OU (2014). Sleep behavior of underrepresented youth. Journal of Public Health [in press].
Spruyt K (2014). Our 21st health identity; where is sleep? Journal of Public Health [Epub ahead of print].
Keijzer H, Smits MG, Duffy JF & Curfs LMG (2013). Why the dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) should be measured before treatment of patients with circadian rhythm sleep disorder. Sleep Medicine Reviews,18(4), 333-339.
Sun W, Spruyt K, Chen W, Jiang Y, Li S, Schonfeld D, Gilman R, Adams R, Shen X, Jiang F (2013). The relation among sleep duration, homework burden and sleep hygiene in Chinese school-aged children. Behavioral Sleep Medicine [Epub ahead of print].
Braam W, Keijzer H, Struijker Boudier H, Didden R, Smits M, Curfs L (2012). CYP1A2 polymorphisms in slow melatonin metabolisers: a possible relationship with autism spectrum disorder? Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 57(11), 993-1000.
Maas APHM, Didden HCM, Korzilius HPLM & Curfs LMG (2012). Exploration of differences in types of sleep disturbance and severity of sleep problems between individuals with Cri du Chat syndrome, Down’s syndrome, and Jacobsen syndrome: a case control study. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 33, 1773-1779.
Smits M, Keijzer H, Braam W, Didden R, Maas A & Curfs LMG (2011). Why dim light melatonin onset (DLMO) should be measured before starting melatonin treatment. In: T de Boer et al. (eds.), Sleep-wake research in the Netherlands, 22, 76-81. Leiden: Dutch Society for Sleep-Wake Research.
Keijzer H, Smits MG, Peeters T, Looman CWN, Endenburg SC, Klein Gunnewick JMT & Vurfs LMG (2011). Evaluation of salivari melatonin measurements for dim light melatonin onset calculations in patients with possible sleep-wake rhythm disorders. In: T de Boer et al. (eds.), Sleep-wake research in the Netherlands, 22, 34-37. Leiden: Dutch Society for Sleep-Wake Research.
Maas APHM, Didden HCM, Korzilius HPLM, Braam WJ, Collin P, Smits MG & Curfs LMG (2011). Psychometric properties of a sleep questionnaire for use in individuals with intellectual disabilities. Research in Developmental Disabilities , 32(6), 2467-2479.
Braam W, Didden HCM, Maas A, Korzilius H, Smits MG & Curfs LMG (2011). Melatonin decreases daytime challenging behaviour in persons with intellectual disability and chronic insomnia (2011). In: T de Boer et al. (eds.), Sleep-wake research in the Netherlands, 22, 98. Leiden: Dutch Society for Sleep-Wake Research. (abstract)
Braam W, Keijzer H, van Geijlswijk IM, Smits MG, Didden R & Curfs LMG (2011). Loss of response to melatonin treatment is associated with slow melatonin metabolization. In: T de Boer et al. (eds.), Sleep-wake research in the Netherlands, 22, 99. Leiden: Dutch Society for Sleep-Wake Research. (abstract)
Maas APHM, Sinnema M, Didden HCM, Maaskant MA, Schrander-Stumpel CTRM & Curfs LMG (2010). Sleep disturbances and behavioural problems in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54(10), 906-917.
Braam W, Keijzer, H, van Geijlswijk I, Smits MG, Didden R, Cufs LMG (2010) Loss of response to melatonin treatment is associated with slow melatonin metabolism. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54, 547-55.
Braam W, Didden R, Maas APHM, Korzilius H, Smits M, & Cufs LMG (2010) Melatonin decreases daytime challenging behaviour in persons with intellectual disability and chronic insomnia. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 54, 52-59.
Braam W, Smits MG, Didden R, Korzilius H, van Geijlswijk I, Cufs LMG (2009) Exogenous melatonin for sleep problems in individuals with intellectual disability: a meta- analysis. Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology 51, 340-9.
Maas AHPM, Didden HCM, Bouts RA, Smits MG & Curfs LMG (2000) Scatter plot analysis of excessive daytime sleepiness and severe disruptive behavior in adults with Prader-Willi syndrome; a pilot study. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 30(3), 529-537.
Maas AHPM., Didden R, Korzilius H, Braam W, Smits MG, & Curfs LMG (2009). Sleep in individuals with Cri du Chat syndrome: a comparative study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research 53, 704-15.
Maas A, Grossfeld P, Didden R, Korzilius H, Braam W, Smits M, & Cufs LMG (2008). Sleep problems in individuals with 11q terminal deletion disorder (Jacobsen Syndrome). Genetic Counseling, 19, 225-35.
Braam W, Didden R, Smits MG, Curfs LMG (2008). Melatonin for chronic insomnia in Angelman syndrome: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. J.Child Neurol, 23:649-54.
Braam W, Didden R, Smits M & Curfs LMG (2008). Melatonin treatment in individuals with intellectual disability and chronic insomnia: a randomized placebo-controlled study. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research, 52,3,256-264.
Didden HCM, Maas APHM, Braam WJ, Collin P, Smits MG & Curf LMG (2008). Slaap en slaapproblemen bij kinderen en jeugdigen met autisme spectrum stoornissen. In HCM Didden & BEBM Huskens (Eds.) Begeleiding van kinderen en jongeren met autisme. Van onderzoek naar praktijk (pp. 127-144). Houten: Bohn Stafleu Van Loghum.
Didden R, Braam B, Smits M, Maas A, Collin P & Curfs LMG (2007). Normal sleep duration, but increased time in bed in individuals with profound/severe intellectual disability who live in a residential facility. In: G. de Ruigt et al. (eds.), Sleep-wake research in the Netherlands, 18, 93-96. Leiden: Dutch Society for Sleep-Wake Research.
Didden R, Korzilius H & Curfs LMG (2007). Skin-picking in individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome: Prevalence, functional assessment, and its comorbidity with compulsive and self-injurious behavior. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities, 20, 409-419.
Maas A, Braam W, Collin P, Smits M, Didden R & Curfs LMG (2007). Referrals to the sleep clinic for individuals with intellectual disability. In: G. de Ruigt et al. (eds.), Sleep-wake research in the Netherlands,18, 45-47. Leiden: Dutch Society for Sleep-Wake Research.